Arizona Tax Credit Scholarship Program.

Arizona tax payers are able to redirect a portion of their state tax liability to our partner organization, Arizona Tuition Connection, for the purpose of awarding scholarships to students at Acton Academy Phoenix.  When you make a donation to Arizona Tuition Connection, you can receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona state income taxes; all while giving parents and students a choice for their education! For 2021, you can make a donation and claim a credit of up to $2,435 (married) / $1,219 (single) or your tax liability (whichever is less)! 

Be sure to recommend “Acton Academy Phoenix” or a specific Acton learner (not your own child) when making the donation.

General Donation

Make a general donation to Acton Academy Phoenix to help expand rich learning opportunities for students as they reach mastery in personalized core skills and engage in hands-on Quests to find their calling that will change the world.